Vilafonte was honored today to be presented as a case study at the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business. In a world first, the business school has formed a partnership with the University of Adelaide to form the most powerful and dynamic community for the development of wine business and wine makreting in the world. We were forunate to be invited by Dr Johan Bruwer, certainly the world leader in the theory of wine marketing to present the Vilafonte story to a group of prestigious students from a wide spectrum of backgrounds. The Wine programs
http://www.gsb.uct.ac.za/gsbwebb/EMEBrochure.asp?intpagenr=195 are available to students across the world and I would strongly encourage all our readers to contemplate this course for it's amazing diversity and benefit. Also... it is in Cape Town, South Africa!!!
Hi from Tokyo, i would love to get hold of more info on this and perhaps a contact for Dr Bruwwer. I dont see it online. Help? Can you publish some more info???
Is the original course in Australia or in South Africa. What does it cost?
Did the students taste the wine? I had a bottle in New York City recently and it was awesome ... expensive though! Definitely a special occasion wine. Not sure about the academic angle to this whole thing though...
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