Its one month into the Playboy Collector's Series and we've got some great news! All wines are to be released by Mid December, in time for the Holidays. Since the release date in Late September, we've received word that the 2006 Sette Ponti Oreno, the 5th wine of the 2008 Playboy Collector's Series, was awarded the prestigious title of #16 inside the Wine Spectator Top 100 Wines of 2008!
Here is a list of the wines by month and the awards associated:
2005 Janzen Napa Valley Cabernet, 92 pts by Wine Enthusiast
2005 Gargiulo Money Road Cabernet Sauvignon, Top 20 New Wineries by Wines and Spirits Magazine.
2003 St. Supery Dollarhide Cabernet Sauvignon, Gold Medal Taster's Guild International Wine Competition
2003 Schug Heritage Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon, 92 pts. Wine Enthusiast
2006 Sette Ponti Oreno, 96 pts Wine Spectator, #15 Top 100 Wines of 2008
2005 Vilafonte Series C, not yet scored, previous vintages yield 90-91 Pts by Wine Spectator
2006 San Guido Guidalberto by Sassicaia, 92 pts by Wine Spectator
2004 Nadia Santa Barbara Red Wine, not yet scored.
2005 Bodegas RODA Cirsion, 93 pts Wine Spectator
2006 Groom Barossa Valley Shiraz, Winemaker's Barrel Selection, 90+ pts by Wine Spectator
2001 Tom Eddy Cabernet Sauvignon, not yet scored, consistent 90-91 by Wine Spectator
2005 Robert Craig Mt. Veeder Cabernet Sauvingon, not yet scored, consistently 90-94 pts by Wine Advocate, Robert Parker
Based on our last tasting of Playboy Wines, and the success of our article on Wine Spectator, Luxist Magazine, and a few others, we feel very fortunate to be working with such prestigious and talented wine makers. We'll be keeping you updated on the 2008 Playboy Wine Collection. FYI, we will be shipping the first waves of product to our retailer partners in Chicago, Las Vegas, and New York for mid-December delivery.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
2008 Playboy Collector Series Wines and Scores!
Monday, December 08, 2008
US wine investment specialist talks on SA wines
Mike Fisher, a founding partner of US investment banking firm Global Wine Partners, believes South Africa, with its excellent wine-growing conditions, the beauty of its winelands and competitive cost structures, is well-placed to advance from its relative obscurity in the US to the point where it becomes better recognised for its quality offerings.

Fisher was in South Africa in November to attend the AGM of the Great Wine Capitals Global Network, and he was impressed by evidence of South Africa's ability to make high-quality wines. The local wine industry's sustainability initiatives also impressed him - he reckons they are ahead of most of those in California. However, in his view, South Africa was the least known of the major wine-producing regions amongst US consumers. “Go into any grocery store in the US and of the 300 wines on the shelves, you will be lucky to find more than one or two of South African origin.”He feels the success of boutique enterprises such as Vilafonté, in which well-known Californian winemaker Zelma Long and her viticulturist husband, Phil Freese, were involved at the Cape, or the Napa Valley's Hess Collection's investment in Glen Carlou, and similar projects, would help to advance the country's visibility as a quality producer amongst those with a keen interest in wine.Meanwhile, Constellation's Kumala and E&J Gallo's Sebeka labels would help to build awareness in more mainstream markets, he said.A harder sellWhile “not overwhelmed” by most Pinotage he tasted, although there were some notable exceptions, Fisher, who initially trained as a winemaker, found South Africa's expression of the Bordeaux varietals to be very good. Local Sauvignon blancs and Chenin blancs also impressed him. “South Africa's reputation as a producer of Sauvignon blanc is gaining ground. The same could happen with Chenin blanc but because it is still very much a secondary variety in the US, it will be a harder sell.”Fisher is also a specialist in mergers and acquisitions, valuations, corporate finance and wine business advisory services, and his company has offices in California, Sydney and Paris. He says that while it would be possible for US investors to buy land locally and produce quality wines very cost competitively, there would still be the hurdle of having to sell South Africa first and then penetrate a heavily traded US market. “The difficulty of gaining traction in the US market is not unique to South Africa. If US investors were to produce in Argentina or Chile they would still have to fight for their place on America's shelves,” he said.Another factor influencing the situation now is that given a general reluctance to invest during financially uncertain times, he predicts that there would be fewer investment transactions in the international wine industry over the next 12 to 18 months. “Moreover, the large companies have done their consolidating for now and it is not in the nature of the small specialist producers to amalgamate to achieve economies of scale,” he said.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wine Lovers Put President-Elect Barack Obama in Office
The presidential election is over, and President-Elect Barack Obama is busy interviewing potential cabinet members, but political experts will spend the next four years analyzing the election returns. A popular technique among political consultants in the past two races is microtargeting—looking for likely supporters by analyzing what they eat, what cars they drive, where they shop, even what magazines they subscribe to. But one factor they may want to be looking at is, which voters drink wine? Unfiltered's crack election team has crunched the numbers, and it's clear that states that like wine voted for Obama in overwhelming numbers. Nine of the top 10 wine-consuming states voted for Obama—only Texas broke rank and voted for Sen. John McCain. Looking further down the list, 20 of the top 25 wine-consuming states went for the President-to-be. In fact, the District of Columbia and the 28 states that voted for Obama drank 79.7 percent of the 300 million cases of wine consumed in the U.S. in 2007. (Wine consumption numbers by state come from the recently-released The U.S. Wine Market: Impact Databank Review and Forecast, 2008 edition, published by Wine Spectator's parent company.)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Vilafonté Winemaking Team is proud to announce that the Vilafonté ‘Series C’ has been awarded the 5 star rating for the first time. Californian winemaking partner Zelma Long had this to say; “We are thrilled with this award and feel that it gives recognition to our investment in South Africa, and to the passion that the Vilafonté partners have brought to our wines.”

More about Vilafonté:
Picture of the partners: Click Here
Hi res 300dpi image gallery: Click Here
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The Wine Spectator California Wine Experience 2008

Monday, November 03, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
We are planting a vineyard in Cape Town!!
In conjunction with the historic Vineyard hotel in Cape Town, the Warwick and Vilafonte teams are planning the creation of a new urban vineyard on this historic site. Here is a cool video, the first of a 3-part before, during and after video archive of the event.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Vilafonte wins lots of new awards!

BELGIUM: Vilafonté takes Gold at the Concours Mondial in Brussels

Monday, October 13, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The last twelve months have been an exciting time for the Vilafonté team – the first full year in our own facility. Our ongoing vision is to establish a diminutive stable of South African thoroughbreds. We have seen a consolidation of quality across all our inputs as a result of our efforts and feel this improvement will continue in future.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Here is a blog (stolen) from Tony Quinn's blog. Tony runs Cleveland Park and Liquor on Connecticutt avenue in DC - and is a long-time supporter.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Vilafonte in Hawaii

Friday, May 23, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
2008 Harvest report

• Early in the growing season we saw pressure from downy mildew and growers were kept on their toes with the continuing rains and mild weather of spring
• The summer temperatures were normal with their rhythm of warming and then cooling as the South Easterly breezes brought in the cooler temps.
• One uniqueness of the season was that the night temperatures were somewhat warmer than average and the relative humidity was higher. This combination lead to a more “continental” type of climate associated with the centre of Europe and the Bordeaux areas
• The season set up for the disease pressure mentioned above but also for a season with less extreme stresses on the vines with respect to temperature and drought.
• Ripeness did come with lower brix levels this season as a combination of the season comments above as well as some changes in management geared to the season.
• The ripening months of January and February were both about twice as rainy as recent history. The benefits were reduced stress on the vines and an evenness of ripening for the red grapes of Vilafonte. There was some disease pressure on fruit in different areas but Vilafonte was disease-free due to the location of the vineyard, our production of red fruit only and fresh breezes that prevail at the site. We saw the rains as freshening the vines and the relief of some of the stresses of late season and soils that are naturally managed toward the dry side

• Harvest began about 14 days later than last year – just as forecast from the flowering dates. The phenology cycle of the vines is quite regular and predictable as we build even more records with 2008 vintage being our 10th year after planting the majority of the vineyards in 1998
• Mid-February saw the beginning of the vintage harvesting Malbec and Merlot.
• We had temperature spikes on the normal rhythm of warming and then cooling as the sea breezes were pulled in. Night temperatures were warm and more humid than recent vintages. While this leads humans to consider this a warm to hot season the vines were loving the reduced stresses that temperature and relative humidity extremes can bring to the vines
• Berry size was small due in part to the added drainage we have at Vilafonte which allows us to get the free-draining excess moisture of the spring out of the soils as the vines begin to grow. Sub-surface drainage is not the usual for most South African vineyards.
• The vines woke up in the spring with some water deficits to lead to the smaller berries and the concentration of fruit characters followed on this reduced berry size. Small berries lead to intensity of fruit but of course the crop level is lower
• Ripening was moderate and on a very predictable rate that gave us time to achieve ripeness without bursts of high sugars
• Acidity was very similar to past seasons with natural acid levels that allowed for no additions at

• Quality: Superb; The best yet. Definitely more finesse in wines than other years. We achieved optimal tannin ripeness in all varietals that led to soft and elegant wines, but there is still the underlying intense fruit core of warmer years.
• Varietals: Malbec - extremely deep and concentrated, but still elegant in structure; Cab franc - More dark fruit than floral characters, elegant, fine and cool. Cab S - deep dark and long; Perfect structures this year. Merlot - Creamy, deep and long. Everything performed wonderfully.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Zelma's Harvest Observations 2008
2008 will produce classic wines. And the personality and chemistry of our grapes has been quite distinct from 2007.
First a word about the weather. 2008 has been distinguished by a later bloom and cooler growing
During the harvest we saw the normal warm-sunny/cool-cloudy cycles; with light rain punctuating a few of them. For our Bordeaux varieties, with their open clusters, light crop and open canopy, the rain caused no trouble, indeed slowed rate of sugar increase and allowed continued ripening of flavors and tannins.
As a result, we were able to harvest ripe grapes at lower average sugars; with ripe, firm well flavored grapes coming off vines that looked quite “happy” – good green color and decent but not high vigor. And, as the grapes differed, so did fermentations. We noted a bit lighter color and higher tannins in the grapes, so were careful to get complete color extraction, and, after that, to manage the tannin extraction gently, to be sure we did not “over extract”, which can lead to harshness. A smaller than normal harvest allowed us to have excellent skin to juice ratios in the fermenter; perfect for getting “the goodies” (color, aroma, flavor, texture) from the grapes.
Fermentations went well this year, often finishing in barrels.
Overall, we estimate that our wines will be classic in structure; and marked with finesse, fine tannins, and fruit concentration, in the 2008 vintage.
Zelma Long
Winemaking Partner, Vilafonte
March 10, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
Zelma explains Berry sorting
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Rebecca 'Boo' Mahmouds SA harvest...
Growing up, there was constant yard work that needed to be done. My brother, sister and I tried to avoid it, but there was nowhere to hide. Mother Nature was the enemy. Rotten crab apples, reckless weeds, falling leaves…it was endless, thankless and considerably lacking in glamour. Not exactly my style. Working out in the lawn, weekend after weekend, I believed that one day, if I was very very good, that I would no longer have to do yard work ever again. Later in life, not surprisingly; I bought a condo.
Harvest to me, was yard work. Picking grapes did not look fun to me. It looked back breaking! I would listen patiently as colleagues would exalt their stories of working a harvest. Their eyes would be large with excitement, they would get that far-away look in their face…and I felt a
little sorry for them that they had clearly been swept away into a state of bliss…by yard work.
It was the middle of February and I was visiting South Africa with my friend and customer, Linda. We made good traveling partners because we agreed on most things. Until the subject of harvest came up. Linda was one of those doe-eyed earth mama harvest working wannabes. Me, not so much. I couldn't believe my six year stretch was coming to an end…because if Linda wanted to work harvest, then I had to as well. I was there in part, to entertain her. I had to play along.
6am came early. It was misting and cold. Linda and I had had a wonderful evening the night before with Mike, Phil and Zelma at Takara, and the beautiful warm evening turned into an electrical storm, with lights dancing across the horizon, followed by sheets of rain. It was very dramatic. When morning arrived, it brought the cold and wet with it and I just wanted to stay in bed. I thought for a moment that Mother Nature was going to save me! Perhaps she agreed that I had already done my share? But Linda was having none of it. "Get up." She said. And so I did.
I was grumpy and in need of coffee...but the sauvignon blanc berries beckoned and Ronald had no time for I grinned, or tired to, and went with him up the muddy, rainy hill.
I watched in confusion while people arrived to the vineyard in near euphoria...what was wrong with these people? What were they so excited about? They swarmed in enthusiasm to get the fruit from the vine. I felt confused and disconnected. What was I missing? Coffee? I knew they had had breakfast with Joshua, the winemaker, but what did he give them? ...I asked Joshua what he put in their muffins.
Phil called. He was waiting for us at the base of the mountain and we needed to get to Paarl for a vineyard walk with him and Edward before we drove to the winery to sort grapes. Oh joy. Mike drove us down the hill to meet him and Phil took one look at me and said, "You're wearing white?!" Clearly, he doesn't understand this isn't my bag. I climb into his car and off we go to the Vilafonte vineyards...
I shivered and shook through the vineyard explanation--and even though my feet were frozen (cold rain is better than warm rain-for the grapes anyway!) I stuck with him, numbers, data, graphs and all. If I was to be miserable, I was at least going to get something out of it. Perhaps I could finally get what he was talking about? Perhaps this was different?
Zelma arrives. "How was breakfast?" she asks. "What breakfast?" we reply. We continue with field work...looking at the map of the land owned by Vilafonte and comparing it to the land which has been planted...noticing the planted areas are in certain areas only--site specific planting. Pretty high tech. Thoughtful. Different. The blocks are also specific to a purpose--to be blended in either C or M--not both...small bell goes off. Site specific planning is unique in my world, and not at all like the other vineyards i have seen. Cool.
Phil pulls out more data. graphs, numbers...he can collect a lot of data! It means something, but does it count? How much of this really makes a difference in the bottle and how?
Zelma says we should go to breakfast. I am delighted. I am even more delighted when, on the way to breakfast, Phil asked if we need to stop at Warwick for anything as we will be passing by. Halleluiah! I change into jeans, sneaks, warm socks. My feet begin to thaw.
Toasty, fed and comfortable, I arrive at the Vilafonte winery prepared for the dread...the winery version of yard work. I stalled by taking out my camera to take pictures. Phil patiently walks me though the entire process and then Zelma does too. I learn from both. Hopping up on the platform to start sorting, I don't know...somewhere in midair I guess, I felt something shift. An investment inside me started to grow...I was the only person on that table who was going to be responsible for selling this wine. I had to ensure quality.
I picked and I sorted and I picked and I sorted...I was relentless. At one point (was it 15min or two hours later?) Zelma came to "rescue" me from sorting. Knowing i am not a fan of repetition, she feared I might be bored. I share with her my surprise at my own response to this! She gives me a knowing smile. She places me at the back end of the stemmer. Again, I am relentless--I pull out every green element to the mix. I felt responsible to do everything in my power to make sure the details were flawless. Every stem, every green bit was eradicated. I felt empowered. I was making wine with Zelma Long in South Africa!
We finished our work before I was ready to stop. It was only a half day, but it was invigorating! I went upstairs to wash off and prepare for my sit down tasting....concerned that I was now not overseeing these details...actually MISSING the work.
I tasted 2005, 2006 and 2007 vintages of Vilafonte with Linda and Zelma. Zelma tells us that 05 was an even vintage and was bottled a year ago. 06 was a windy vintage and water management was important-it was bottled a week ago. 07 was hot and was not bottled yet, but we had tank samples to taste. We taste in silence, make notes, taste again and share. I finish my line up and a light goes on. The data measured in the field is in the bottle!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY I get what Phil has been educating us on for years...they do not make wine...they grow it. Every step and every detail is measured and managed so that at the end of the day--irrespective of the vintage challenges, the same style Zelma is after is achieved year in and year out. Wow.
The wines taste related--clearly in the same family. Not at all identical but close relatives with an undeniable family relationship. Each one had their own beautiful personality and I was pleased by how much we have to look forward to. Of the many lights that went on for me during my trip, from actually enjoying the harvest experience, to finally understanding Phil's data and
its relation to the wine, the brightest one was that I never saw myself as anything more than a sales person who just happened to sell wine. From time to time, I understand a wine profoundly...but I never understood where it came from--how it could be shaped from grape to glass the way that Mike, Phil and Zelma do it. That day, in a small winery in the South of the
African Continent, something small inside me went AH HA. Thank you Zelma, Mike and Phil for this experience!!!
And thank you Linda for getting my butt out of bed!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Berry Sorting in Action - don't blink!
In this video we take a look at the process in action and show just how meticulous our quality control is.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Harvest 2008 : Berry Sorting Explained
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Preparation for harvest 2008

Please have a look at the site which is about to start the nominations for South Africa's best blog. PLEASE VOTE FOR US online by logging onto the site or by clicking on the logo here. Please vote for us in the Category 'Best SA Blog about Food or Wine'. Nominations and voting opens on 11th February 2008.