Sunday, October 10, 2010

The YPO South African Wine Group launch event in Johannesburg

The launch event of the new YPO South African Wine Group was held at the magnificent 'Marion on Nichol' luxury hotel in Johannebsurg on Thursday evening the 7th of October. With almost 20 YPO/WPO members present, fellow YPO'er Mike Ratcliffe, co-owner of Vilafonte Vineyards and Warwick Wine Estate in Stellenbosch welcomed guests and presented the plans for the future of the Wine Network. Under the auspices of the YPOI Wine Network, Mike has been mandated to increase the range of YPO wine participation around the world given the current focus of the network being predominantly American. This South African event will be followed by events in Cape Town and Durban.
In a further development, a regional Wine Network Chair has been appointed for Johannesburg and a new YPO Wine Group has been formed for Zimbabwe Harare Chapter - thanks Phil Warren.
It can also be confirmed that YPO'er Mitchell Taylor, MD of his family business Mitchell Wines in NSW Australia has been appointed YPO Regional Chairman for Australia - so expect more activities and correspondence in this regard.

The Wine Network continues it's search for willing YPO'ers to take on regional chair positions in Asia, the Middle East and elsewhere in Africa. Please contact me if you are interested.
Here are the pictures:

Click here to learn more about Vilafonte Vineyards - the only South African and Amerian joint winemaking venture.

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